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Comment: Pakistan Navy's Legacy Which Makes The Nation Proud

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    As I sit here, reflecting on the incredible journey of our beloved Pakistan Navy, I am filled with an overwhelming sense of pride and gratitude. Despite being vastly outnumbered by the Indian Navy, our brave men and women in white have consistently proven themselves to be a force to be reckoned with.
Who can forget the daring attack on Dwarka in 1965? It was a masterclass in strategy and bravery, catching the Indian Navy off guard and leaving them reeling. And even though they tried to regain their footing, our Navy remained one step ahead, outmaneuvering them at every turn.
The 1971 war was another testament to our Navy's unyielding resolve. When the Indians launched their missile attacks on Karachi, our sailors stood tall, refusing to back down. And who can forget the sinking of INS Khukri by PNS Hangor? It was a defining moment in our naval history, one that sent a clear message to our enemies: we will not be intimidated.
In recent years, our Navy has continued to make us proud. From the encounter between PNS Babur and INS Godavari in 2011, to the numerous instances of detecting and chasing away Indian submarines, our sailors have shown time and time again that they are a force to be reckoned with.
As I look back on our Navy's illustrious history, I am filled with a sense of awe and reverence. These are not just sailors; they are heroes, each and every one of them. They are the guardians of our maritime borders, the protectors of our sovereignty, and the defenders of our way of life.
So let us take a moment to salute our brave men and women in white. Let us honor their sacrifice, their bravery, and their unwavering commitment to duty. For they are the true embodiment of our nation's spirit, and we are forever in their debt. Long Live Pakistan Long Live Pakistan Navy

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Strategic Analysis Group is an online forum of Pakistani journalists, who are contributing to provide a better understanding of strategic and international developments. It is done with objectivity without sensationalism that is prevalent in our so…

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