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Pakistan’s options on the U.S. brokered peace deal for Israel and Arab world

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The Corona pandemic has initiated a process of change in the world order, the world is rapidly moving from uni-polarity to multi-polarity. In this new order, on one hand are the United States, Israel and its allies and on the other hand, Russia and China challenging the United States in support of each other, while interestingly the European Union seems to be reluctant to follow the American line in many matters.

After the recognition of Israel by the UAE in the Middle East, it seems that other Arab countries will follow suit. For Pakistan to survive in this emerging order has two options, one is to recognize Israel and join the US alliance, or to defend its vital geopolitical and economic interests like Kashmir and CPEC by remaining in the Chinese-Russian bloc.

Both the United States and Israel are India’s allies, the US wants India to confront China as India is a part of the US-led anti-China alliance known as Quad or QSD (Quadrilateral Security Dialogue) this alliance includes the United States, Japan, Australia and India.

Israel being a close ally of India at present is assisting it in many matters, including defense and especially on matters related to the occupation of Jammu & Kashmir. India is following the Israeli strategy that it has applied to the Palestinian.

Ever Since Israel’s establishment in May 1948, Pakistan, being a Muslim country, has refused to establish diplomatic relations with it. The founder of Israel, David Ben Gurion sent a telegram to Muhammad Ali Jinnah in an attempt to establish diplomatic relations with Pakistan. The telegram was ignored, Pakistan never accepted Israel as a legitimate state. The founder of Pakistan Muhammad Ali Jinnah always supported Palestine and quoted “Israel is an illegitimate child of the West”. Pakistan never gave up its moral, political and humanitarian support to the Palestinian people.

Israel’s behavior towards Pakistan has always been like the worst enemy it supported India and had hands in many conspiracies and attacks on Pakistan. 1980 Israel had a plan with the assistance of India to attack Pakistan’s nuclear facilities. Now according to reports, Israeli military advisers are also involved in training Indian troops to fight against Kashmiri resistance.

The United States has from long tried to urge many Muslim countries to recognize Israel, has recently got success in making UAE accept Israel as a state, could get success in making few other Middle Eastern countries recognizing Israel.

In such a situation, recognizing Israel and strengthening the hand of the United States in the region will not be in the interest of Pakistan. India is a big market and is also a member of an alliance against China. A deal of the century may come to Kashmir tomorrow and if we join the US alliance, we may be forced to accept this deal. That is why Pakistan should not keep its eggs in one basket and wisely choose its allies in this big game.

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Strategic Analysis Group is an online forum of Pakistani journalists, who are contributing to provide a better understanding of strategic and international developments. It is done with objectivity without sensationalism that is prevalent in our so…

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