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By way of Deception, Modi's strategy to win elections

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On 26 February 2019 ,  India tried to create a new normal by undertaking an offensive against Pakistan  but failed . Indian hostile action  forced Pakistan to give a befitting reply to India and making a point that Pakistan has political will and military resolve to climb escalation ladder to preserve its deterrence at any cost. 

Pakistan's reply to Indian aggression on morning of 27 February 2019  resulted in  downing of 2 IAF planes. IAF SU30 fell pray to Pakistani BVR and crashed on Indian side where as  an  Indian MIG 21 was shot down by  Pakistani JF 17 Thunder. Pakistani offensive demonstrated Pakistani capability to hit Indian positions in broad daylight signalling that  Pakistan is  not afraid of Indian actions and is also not willing to lose its nuclear deterrence .

 According to DG ISPR PAF dropped bombs near Indian positions  to tell Indian armed forces  that if Pakistan wanted it could have successfully destroyed Indian positions.

"We locked all targets with accuracy, and when we had option to fire, we acted responsibly from a safe distance. We have capability to do anything, but we don’t want escalation. We don’t want to go towards war,"(DG ISPR , Major General Asif Ghafoor 27 Feb 2019)
Indian Leadership as well as global community was  shocked by boldness of Pakistani response , as a result Major powers and friendly countries  had to intervene to control further escalations. 

As this all happened in run up to Indian elections, Indian leadership tried to downplay Pakistani response and for next 3 weeks Indian media utilized its full capability and capacity just to prove that India indeed did damage at Balakot where as all the international media reported Indian action a big failure.

On Thursday 28th February Pakistani Prime Minister Imran Khan in a joint session of Parliament announced returning of captured Indian MIG 21 Pilot  Wing Commander Abinandan to India. In same session he disclosed that Pakistan had intelligence that India was planning to hit Pakistani  targets with missiles on night between 27 and 28 Feb. Pakistan conveyed Indians that Pakistan will answer every Indian missile with three missiles of its own if India dared to launch any such attack.

Ironically present Indian government has instigated Hindutva and Hindu nationalism as its declared  policy . Modi government knows that aggressive stance against Pakistan sells and from decades Indian media with blessing of Indian establishment is creating fear of Pakistani buggyman simply to unite Indians, who are infested with poverty, corruption, sectarianism  , crime, discrimination on bases of  ethnicity, sex and ideology and of course caste system.

In order to give a new push to election politics, today India claimed that it has tested an anti satellite missile which successfully destroyed Indian Satellite in lower Orbit. India claims that it has become 4th power in the World which has  capability to wage war in outer space after US, Russia and China.

 The main aim of todays test is to invoke sense of nationalism in masses and divert their attention from core problems which Indian society face today. 

The aim is also to decisive Indians that this test is signal to China that India don't like Pak China alliance and to show seriousness of BJP's narrative of Hindu Rashtra.

Satellites are  important tools in modern intelligence gathering which also enable fast pace maneuvering in theater of war.

Revolution in military affairs have changed the nature and pace of war. Modern war fighting technique known as Network Enabled or Information centric warfare is a transforming concept  which is seen as force multiplier. But fortunately it is only practicable when fighting less developed and less advance force .

 US used this technique in Iraq During 2003 Invasion , with well publicised shock and awe maneuvers , enabled due to use of computer networks and information flow to tactical level which resulted in speed and surprize and gave flexibility and battle field awareness at micro level. 

Indian Cold Start Doctrine is also inspired by this concept . 

what Indians are  forgetting is that as this technique is totally dependent on computer and satellite networks. If computer network fails the whole strategy fails.
A small soundless electromagnetic pulse can destroy electronic chips and circuit of computer networks, Both Pakistan and India and also powers like US, China and Russia have formidable electronic war fighting capabilities.  

Secondly, a defender well experienced in electronic and cyber warfare can easily penetrate in enemies computer system. few months back Iranians displayed their capability by hacking US drones.
To cut short today's Indian exercise may be good for election purpose but it is not impressing any one.It will create problems for India diplomatically but in war it will impress no body . Because if India use this ability  in case of war it's satellites will also get hit which will be a very costly for Indians.

 In simple words Indian leadership is simply trying to induce a sense of superiority and confidence in their poor masses while on the ground they know that its not child play . There is a big gap between  ground realities and  aspirations of Indian ruling elite. A country infested with intolerance , sectarianism and poverty is making it self a laughing stock in world.
Before going to war Greeks used to go to temple of Athena to pray and ask for wisdom where as Greek god of war was Ares. The basic concept was that war is a serious business which require wisdom more than power. The fundamental blunder which Modi Sarkar is committing is its show of power without wisdom. where as Pakistani game plan is based on wisdom and logic what is why we see Pakistan more confident and India more predictable and foolish in its every move.

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Strategic Analysis Group is an online forum of Pakistani journalists, who are contributing to provide a better understanding of strategic and international developments. It is done with objectivity without sensationalism that is prevalent in our so…

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