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My Take on Israel Palestine Ceasefire Agreement

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 This is a temporary ceasefire between Palestine n Israel. Israel has achieved its aims. It was the first round. Israel knew about the October 7, 2023 attack and it allowed it to Happen on Purpose. Gaza is in Ruins. The strategy of Salami Slicing has also enabled it to encroach on the West Bank. Iranian Line of Communication and Base in Syria has been effectively neutralised. Hizbollah is no longer a viable force and is facing difficulties in Lebanon.
The new Syrian regime is anti-Iran and will follow the line of Sunni Arabs, who by the way kept silent during the past year and a half over the Gaza Genocide and few of them even supported Palestinian genocide. Also don’t forget the first time in history we are watching Arab Zionists freely advocating the Zionist cause.
Israel has revealed its plan for greater Israel. Trump who gave the deal of the century and encouraged settlements in the occupied West Bank during past tenure is the new president of the military and technology-wise sole superpower USA.
Remember Netanyahu gave his vision of a Palestinian state in which administrators will be Israelis.
It appears that the West has decided that there is no place for Muslim Brotherhood ideology and GCC supports it. Remember it was the threat of the Muslim Brotherhood that UAE and KSA started supporting and helping Bashar's regime back in 2018. 
The last strong place is Turkey where Erdogan's party is in power and has roots in Muslim Brotherhood Ideology. In the next stage, Turkey will be neutralised and keep an eye on Syria and Eastern Mediterranean where a new battleground will emerge. Kurds will help in Iraq, Syria and Iran. 
Things are not good at all. 
Greeks were wise when before going to war they sought wisdom but here in the Muslim world, either we are under the influence of coloniality or are emotional, in both cases helping Israel and the West. Due to Israel, the US has returned in the Middle East with full power. The dominance of Israel is the dominance of the West and all the talks of human rights, democracy and modernity are just slogans for their liberal imperialism. 
May Allah Help us.
MBI Khan

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Strategic Analysis Group is an online forum of Pakistani journalists, who are contributing to provide a better understanding of strategic and international developments. It is done with objectivity without sensationalism that is prevalent in our so…

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